Ship maneuvering simulators in different meteorological and maritime conditions, for the training of Captains, Officers, Port Pilots and for maneuverability studies in ports and navigable areas, with a fleet of 120 models.
Emergencies in aircraft to simulate a full-scale evacuation of passengers due to the generation of a fire on board or due to a collision.
Submerged Helicopter Abandonment Simulator (HUET) to guarantee the survival of crews in the event of a forced ditching. The Jovellanos Center is certified by OPITO.
Industrial emergencies for the training of Firefighters and Emergency Brigades, in simulators monitored with propane gas, diesel and dangerous or highly flammable goods.
VTS simulator, operational scenario to train and certify personnel who must provide monitoring and assistance services to maritime traffic, as well as those who must plan and coordinate maritime rescue operations and combat pollution in the maritime field.
Fires on ships for the training of maritime crews, in accordance with the STCW Code, to save human lives and minimize economic losses caused by a fire on board a ship.
Virtual Campus for the modeling of search and rescue patterns for missing people and drifting objects in maritime environments, as well as for the response to a hydrocarbon spill and the prediction of its trajectory.
Victim Rescue Scenarios training rescuers to enter confined spaces (storage tanks, wells and silos, ship holds, boilers with dangerous atmospheres) and facilitate victim recovery maneuvers.
Fight against Marine Pollution, a future of clean seas for the sustainability of the planet.
Emergency management with virtual simulation The immersion of the professional in the virtual simulation will make him/her experience a sensation of realism, with an immersive perception in emergencies, being a complementary tool to the practices that are developed in real...
Survival at sea, training of crews to preserve the lives of people who are in danger from the moment they leave the ship on the high seas, in accordance with the STCW Code.
Training camp in Liquefied Natural Gas to obtain the Certificate of proficiency in training of seafarers in charge of specific safety tasks, linked to the precautions due to fuel on board ships governed by the IGF Code, its use, or emergency response.