Safety & rescue courses

Safety & rescue courses

SAR swimmer

The course has been designed for people interested in becoming familiar with rescue swimming as a profession and its future professional potential (rescue teams, lifeguards, rescue personnel, civil protection, fire brigades, police forces dedicated to rescue missions...).

Requirement: Prior to the beginning of the course, trainees must:

Be of age.

Provide an official medical certificate that states that "the trainee does not present contraindications that will prevent him/her from performing underwater activities“.

Know how to swim.

Pass the swimming-diving test in less than 2 minutes: Swim freestyle to a buoy positioned at a distance of 50 m. from the starting point. Once there, dive to collect an item placed at a depth of 4 or 5 metres and bring it to the surface. (Max. time: 2 minutes).

This test shall be carried out in the pool at the Jovellanos Centre, and candidates may perform the test in their swim-suits or wetsuits and may use, if they wish, a cap, swimming goggles, dive booties, gloves, and a wetsuit hood.


The course shall provide the necessary skills to perform basic rescue techniques to save people in the water, recover them, and provide first aid until the arrival of professional health care personnel. 

These rescue techniques are combined with the use of specific  safety equipment.

Furthermore, the course provides the skills required to abandon a helicopter during an emergency ditching situation, to survive at sea, and co-operate efficiently in rescue operations.


First aid.


Maritime training.

Specific training for rescue swimmers.

Night exercises in the pool.

Helicopter underwater evacuation training (HUET) module (TAE.ORO.FC.230).

Visit to the RCC and Maritime Rescue Helicopter.


The course consists of 42 certified hours, it´s delivered over a period of 5 days.


The person who successfully completes the course will be issued two certificates "SAR swimmer" and HUET for rescue swimmers.