Safety & rescue courses

Safety & rescue courses

Advanced fire fighting

This course has been designed for Captains and Bridge and Engine Room Officers of:

Tankers, as well as crew members who are assigned specific duties and responsibilities related to the loading or the load equipment on board tankers.

Merchant ships with a gross tonnage greater than 75 GT.

Fishing vessels over 50 metres in length.


The course prepares trainees to control and coordinate on-board fire-fighting operations, with special emphasis on organisation, tactics and command.

Maritime legislation: Course regulated under Ministry of Development-Spain Order 2296/2002 of 4th September.

The Jovellanos Centre, has been certified by the General Directorate of Maritime Affairs, to deliver this maritime speciality course.

Regulated by Rule VI/3 of the STCW Convention; Section A-VI/3; Table A-VI/3 of the amended Training Code.

The Jovellanos Center is homologated by the DGMM Resolution of June 16, 2003.


On-board safety and risk zones.

Fire detection systems.

Fixed fire-fighting systems on board vessels.

Fire-fighting equipment on board vessels.

Fire-fighting tactics and procedures when the ship is sailing under way or berthed alongside.

Control tactics when the vessel is carrying dangerous goods.

Effects on stability by water applied during fire-fighting operations.

Coordination and communications during the emergency.

Preparing contingency plans.

Lessons learned from fires on board ships (case study).


The course consists of 24 certified hours, it´s delivered over a period of 4 days.


Valid for 5 years