Training for the Revalidation of VTS operator certificate. IALA C0103-5

VTS personnel who need to renew their VTS certificates.

Requirement:  Hold a valid STM V-103/1 or C0103-1 certificate.


Apply the knowledge and skills necessary to renew your Vessel Traffic Service Operator certificate in accordance with the requirements of the issuing authority for IALA V-103/1 or IALA C0103-1 certificates.

Maritime legislation: Decision of the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy (DGMM) of July 6, 2011 (amended by Resolution of the DGMM of February 11, 2019). IALA Model Course C0103-5


Provision of the VTS services.

Communication, coordination, and interaction.

New aspects regarding GMDSS.

Stress management.

Situational awareness.

Legal aspects.

AIS and VTS.

Practical training: VTS simulation.


The course consists of 24 certified hours, it´s delivered over a period of 4 days.


Once renewed, it will be valid for 5 years.