Helicopter underwater escape training. (HUET with EBS). Product code: 5095

New personnel or personnel returning to work in the offshore oil and gas industry who will be using an emergency breathing system (EBS) during the helicopter flight to the facility.

Requirement: Trainees must provide an official medical certificate in force (e.g. certificate of fitness to sail, professional diving certificate, private official medical certificate, company medical certificate).


Trainees will demonstrate their ability to use safety equipment and follow preparedness procedures for and during helicopter emergencies in a simulated environment, in particular during the evacuation of a helicopter after an emergency ditching.


Session introduction OIS-02 HUET-EBS

Helicopter travel

Helicopter emergencies

Practical helicopter escape techniques

EBS Equipment practical (dry). HUET (dry landing)

HUET Activities E.B.S Practical (wet)

HUET Dry evacuation on water onto heliraft

Practical helicopter escape techniques


The course consists of 6 hours and 40 minutes certified, it´s delivered over a period of 1 day.


OPITO Registry. Valid for 4 years.