Electronic chart display and information system ECDIS

Captains, officers and graduates in nautical studies who require the official Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) certification.


The course has been designed to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to stand watch on ships using ECDIS as their main navigation system. At the end of the course, trainees, after passing theoretical and practical tests, will obtain the ECDIS certificate, which is recognised by the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine.

Maritime legislation: The course strictly follows the IMO 1.27 course and the Resolution of the General Direction of the Merchant Marine of 16 February 2016.

The Jovellanos Center is homologated by the DGMM Resolution of March 14, 2016.


ENC and RNC charts.

Display and alarms.

Safety limits.

System errors and integrity.


ENC updates.

Documentation and registration.

Practical training:

Navigation in open waters. Scenario: Aleutian Islands.

Navigation in coastal areas. Scenario: Dover.

Entering and leaving port. Scenario: New York.

Emergency situations. Scenario: Straits of Gibraltar.

Complete navigation. Scenario: Dardanelles.


The practical exercises shall be conducted in two simulators at the Jovellanos Centre. During classroom lectures, the ECDIS simulator will be used to enable trainees to acquire the necessary skills in order to apply the knowledge that the instructor is providing in the classroom. Subsequently, this knowledge and these skills shall be applied on the Full Bridge Simulator, which has four ship handling bridges provided with ECDIS. Trainees will, therefore, go from theory to practical experience in the same day.


The course consists of 40 certified hours, it´s delivered over a period of 5 days.